
Monday, May 23, 2011


I'm pretty good at figuring out what dreams mean, however NOT nightmares. Most nights I get nightmares but occasionally I can depict their meanings. I'm going to dedicate this blog to helping people with their dreams by sharing some of my own.

Last night I had a dream I was in a house. This house had a lot of people in it whom I believe I knew through modeling, sports, etc. I can't quite remember but something tells me it was an overnight trip in this house. There was a huge plastic box filled with water and I remember eagerly trying to get some. THEN... my dream shifts completely

I was looking for a small black snake.

*Note: When remembering your dream try to remember details such as colors, time of day, and numbers.

Snakes in dreams can mean a good amount of different things but because in this dream the snake was BLACK it can be considered an evil. Snakes are ground creatures and can be a peril for the underworld. Generally, any type of snake is a sign of negative power or trouble. If your snake was a different color say green or brown it could be depicted as a sexual dream. The black snake in my dream was SMALL- no bigger than the size of my hand. This could mean that I have been facing some sort of lie, an enemy, or a hidden fear.

Action: I remember holding this snake trying to kill it with my fingernails. My memory isn't the best but I'm positive I did end up killing it because I remember seeing a second snake just like it later on. Killing a snake means I am trying to overcome an obstacle in my life. Looking at my current life situations I know it means my life is taking a turn for the better.

Meaning: In MY dream the snakes represents my past. Because I am killing it means that I am moving on from my past and the hardship it has brought to my current life and I am now moving on.

Number: Seeing ONE snake in a dream might symbolize a person you feel threatened by in your life. However, since I saw TWO (possibly three) snakes in my dream it can be referred to as a problem within myself.

Complex: This is where my dream gets a little complex. The second snake I remember grabbing it and instead of killing it with my nails I held its head as it was about to bite me and moved it in a way so that it accidently bit its own body and died.

I did a little research because this was VERY strange to me and even I could not think of what it could mean. There is an ancient symbol called the Ouroboros where a snake is shown eating its own tail. It represents rebirth or a cycle. Since the snake in my dream was in fact biting itself I believe that my overcoming of the past is just a phase and will be shortlived.

Then again, I could be very wrong with the last part. With dreams the smallest detail you remember can change the meaning of the dream entirely. Normally I remember mine but I was abrubtly woken up by my dog this morning and could only grasp few bits of the dream back into my memory.

Friday, April 15, 2011


In 11 days I will have reached 18 years. Well we'll see. All I want is a king cake. I don't want money, or happiness, or world peace- just a freshly baked king cake made by my mom. For anyone who doesn't know what that is PLEASE do your taste buds a favor and visit New Orleans. My whole family is from there so each year (around my bday) we make this wonderful bread-like cake with bright colored sugar on top and even a little plastic baby inside. Then after we eat our fill my mom toasts the leftovers in the over and makes biscottis. Genius. I miss this tradition more than anything so all i'm asking for is this one little slice of heaven. Someone please spread the word and make a newly legal adult happy. FYI: That shit they call "king cake" at the grocery store is more knock off than a gucci bag in china town. Gross

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Monday, January 31, 2011

Lazy Man's Guide To Valentines Day

St.Valentine, the patron Saint of bee keepers, epilepsy, fainting, but most importantly love! I never  understood how people have come to hate Valentine's Day! Well, okay, I get that you are single and don't have anyone to share the day with-that sucks. I've always had a boyfriend for Valentines Day so I guess I'm pretty lucky to never be in that situation BUT STILL!! This is the perfect opportunity to go out and find someone special. If you have a crush on someone then this is the best excuse to ask them out for example say, "hey, I know Valentines Day is uber cheesey and lame but would you want to come over and watch a movie with me and maybe get a bottle of wine?" Nobody is going to say no to that. Then before you know it things start to take off! So don't use Valentines Day as a day to be bitter, instead, use it to help yourself find love and happiness. So what if it's only for a day? You'll remember it for a very long time. I still have the roses I got from Matthew on our first Valentines Day :) Anyways, here are some great tips for guys when it comes to gift shopping (curtesy of Maxim Magazine! )

Where to go?

Take her on a winery tour. Lots of my friends are doing that this year and in Virginia there are many very beautiful places to go to. This is for the relaxed couple who are very comfortable around eachother and this outing makes for a perfect passionate setting.

Melting Pot. Hahaaa :) I had to put this on the list (No Maxim did not recommend this one haha) but it is, however, Matthew and I's favorite place to eat! Caution: You're going to blow $$$ easily- it is pretty expensive but the whole experience of fondoue and dipping cheesecake in a flaming pot of chocolate is well worth it.

Romantic Ski Resort. Places like Wintergreen are just plain fun. For the outdoors couple who are also a little adventurous, I highly recommend this. There will be lots of laughing and making fun of yourself when you wipe out and also lots of cuddling to keep warm with all the human-made snow around! If skiing and snowboarding aren't your thing then definitely try the tubing- SO MUCH FUN! After your outing you can rent out a condo for the weekend and enjoy the view of the resort.

Surprise! This one is for the girl you want to impress. She thinks that you are taking her to a dinner and a movie but what she doesn't know is that you have actually planned a surprise date that will knock her socks off. Take her on a picnic that you have made yourself (If the weather is sucky I wouldn't suggest this haha) but if it is a little cold bring blankets and lots of hot chocolate. Boars Head Inn is my ideal place for a picnic. Right on the lake you can see the hot air balloons taking off and all the cute duckies swimming by.

What to buy?
Chocolates, red roses, balloons, you know the whole spiel. BUT to win bonus points here is something you might want to try- lingerie! I know it sounds tough for guys but here are some tips to help you pick out the perfect set.

Size- Most of the time guys will get the size wrong. Do your homework and when she's not around sneek a peak at her lingerie. If that still scares you, go for a cute nighty. They only come in S, M, L so you don't have to worry about numbers.

Which One? There are lots to choose from but really, buy what you would want to see her in. Any girl would agree that if you like it then she will just be happy with that. Know if she likes pink as opposed to black. Also pick out the color that suits her best.

Here are some nice wines to choose from for this special day:

Brut Rosé Champagne from France. It's in the $20-$45 price range
The pink sparkling bubbles speak for iteself.

This has some acidity to it which makes it a perfect dessert wine.

Portuguese Red
Any Portuguese Red wine will suit her especially if she is a red wine kind of girl.
Price Range is in the $15-$25 range


In all honesty, this stuff is great but for me I like a nice homemade dinner, Godiva chocolates, and as a gift a thoughtful present from the heart. Whether it's a simple card, or even a picture of us framed, I go for the simple things. Jewelry is nice, but knowing my guy took the time to make me something is the best gift of all. Money can't buy me love :)

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Fed Up

Yes, this is a rant.

I'm kind of at that point where any little thing right now will piss me off. I could be pmsing or im really tired and grumpy from my lack of sleep this week OR maybe I really just am fed up. I'm getting tired of being so nice to people and have them just spit on me in return. I'm too nice to people sometimes and I feel like they take it for granted... I do so much for people and give so much and never get anything in return. It's almost like im working 110% and getting only 20% back. I'm sick of the guys who are just so disrespectful and mean but then a few months later see my modeling pictures and act like they are my bestfriend. It doesn't work like that, sorry. I guess stabbing people in the back is in style now? Seems to be a lot of fake people. I'm not angry at them just angry in myself for letting people walk all over me. I'm also fed up with that fact that every single sour patch exploder is grape flavor ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate that kind

Anyways.. I wish I could say that maybe ill change and be more assertive, maybe get rid of those people who are mean but that's just not who I am. I could never hold a grudge on anyone (except mike vick) I just believe in love even when love isn't given back. But for the record- just because I dont show it on the outside it really upsets me on the inside. Another grape flavor! Eff!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

What If

What if we all just walked around and only showed who we really were deep down. Would the world be able to handle it or is living with secrets the only way we can live with optimism. What if for one day everyone lived their normal lives but their secrets were just written across their foreheads and when they spoke it would be as if talking to a personal diary. There is a difference between speaking the truth and speaking things you normally would rather not say. For one day could the world be able to handle every thought and every feeling a person had kept within themselves? I don't really think so. For every fake smile overrides a real one. This world would become dark if we lived how we really were. I'm not saying everyone is like this. There are the genuine people who live their lives with pure happiness and can honestly say they don't have any dark secrets (believe me... some are my friends. They're always the ones who end up never finishing their beer when playing 'never have I ever'.. we all hate those people haha kidding, I love them and we all make fun of them for it :p ) Alcoholics, gays, psychopaths, lovers, addicts, michael jackson..or wait what if everyone could just be able to read one another? Maybe that makes more sense to where I'm getting at. It is 3am and I tend to rant but I digress. Lets make this a positive shall we. What if people shared their thoughts and it led to a greater evolution. For instance,  Egypt right now protesting their way to a revolution. I just rhymed. It started with a man who set himself on fire because he was denied rights to sell fruit. Thousands more followed the protest in a matter of days. What if we spoke our minds that a positive outburst overpowered every negative? Hmmm..... what if... what if.. what if...

Money is a bitch that never sleeps. (That has nothing to do with this post I just like that line from the movie I just watched haaa!! )

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I'm only going to say this once

Its 3:49am and alas I can't sleep. I blame nightmares and my hell of a day... who gets subpoenaed at school? Anyways, that's not the point. Point is: Since I cannot sleep I figured I would make this an honesty hour and write something Matt and I are soon going to endure. Within the next year, Matthew and I will be moving to India. We will only be there for about a year (maybe 6 months-depending on visa) BUT we are not telling people. Okay, we told some friends and I told some kiddos in my physics class but no more!! Why you may ask? We have no effing clue. A better question is, why not?! I do have family there, hence me being half indian anyways and maybe I'll become some huge bollywood star :D hehe I wish but hey if Julia Roberts can do it I figured we can too. Kidding. We are aiming for the city (obviously or I might go into cultural shock) like New Delhi, Calcutta is a "hidden gem" i've heard.... we don't know the deets now. Vaccine shots are on the check list oh and money... good ol' money. Which I do not currently have haaaa but I will have plenty soon because, well, it is me- and I'm a freaking genius when it comes to getting it. Chica chica yeaaa. Goals? Learn hindi, help out in as many volunteer groups as I can, eat all the indian food my tiny tummy can handle. Ahhh mouth is drooling thinking about the food!!! Most importantly, live. I'm 17 years old and I haven't started living. I need more to my life otherwise what is the point? In English today I came across a book about a girl who is very young. She ponders this question throughout the book-- "is life worth it?" I haven't read the book so I don't know what she comes up with but I want to be able to say yes, yes it is!! Mhmm skittles are so good right now

I'm out like a silva dollaa, holla :)